Thursday 9 June 2016

What It Takes To get to the EURO's - Part 1

“Are you all set for France?” The question has come at me over the last few months.

“Getting there”, I reply.

It helps that I've been here before.

This isn't my first major tournament. I was one of the many Irish fans who travelled to Euro 2012. Four years ago, I was a final year student who split his thoughts in the build up between getting a 2.1 degree in his last set of exams and Ireland's first major tournament in 10 years. It was time of innocence. I was finishing one aspect of my life and entering the big bad world of employment and responsibility. However, before that, I was going to experience a major football tournament on continental Europe. I went to each of my last three exams wearing Ireland jerseys. I was giddy with excitement. I had no idea what to expect but knew it would be something special.

It would be an experience I would never forget. And one that would shape the rest of my life since.

It would be impossible to explain, recount, or define just how special the 12 days I spent in Poland at Euro 2012 in a single article. And that isn’t even taking into account the fact that Ireland achieved the title of the worst ever performance at a European Championships. Losing all three games, conceding nine goals and scoring once. Yet, I was immersed the carnival atmosphere generated by Irish fans, the kind of atmosphere that only a football tournament can bring. Sure enough, there were shite moments OFF the field as well, but they would barely register a dent on the many positive moments I had in Poznan and Gdansk. Irish fans left the world with such a positive impression that almost made you forget how bad the team was. I was left with an enduring love for the country of Poland and an obsession with following the Irish National team ever since.

In the four years since Euro 2012, I've been on seven further away trips, as well as numerous home games. I made many friends & acquaintances, some of whom I'd only ever see OUTSIDE of Ireland. I've seen beautiful cities, landscapes, and airport lounges. Embraced weather that hit 40 degrees celsius to cold bitter winds in minus three that made me think twice about wearing three layers instead of four. Taxi drivers have hugged me while stadium security have applauded my fellow fans and I. I've also seen some football along the way. Be it Shane Longs wonderful header at Wembley in 2013 or Robbie Brady cutting through the Bosnian defence and fog last October. And not a single regret to go with them. Hours spent spending money I strived to save or hours spent waiting for a connecting flight to Luton to make a connecting flight to Kerry (for a connecting bus to Galway). None of it, for the moments I outlined in the beginning. I'd never been to an away game before Euro 2012, now I can't imagine my life without them.

All this experience under my belt is of immense relief going into Euro 2016. Four years ago, I was willing to go alone but given the fact I suffer from anxiety, especially in social circumstances, I was also pretty hesitant to do it like that also. Fortunately, my lovely mammy knew of someone in my home town who was going in a campervan. There'd be a group of us and therefore would be less daunting. There was no mad rush to book flights hotels camping etc. Safe in the knowledge I had my transport & accommodation sorted, I could pour all my energy into finding tickets. TheTicket Resale Portal broke the heart soul and possibly laptop of many an Irish fan those days. I was close to breaking point myself. It would not be until I got out of the first of my final exams that I did get my first tickets for the Croatia and Italy games respectively. Moments after Chelsea defeated Bayern Munich on penalties in the 2012 Champions League Final, I secured tickets for the Spain game too. Everything came together just in time.

This time around, it’s been the opposite. My much improved track record of match attendance in the last four years ago guaranteed tickets. It meant no return to the Portal, no need to replace the F5 button on my keyboard. I did log on once for old times sake but I only lasted a minute. Only through hearing heartbreak stories of newcomers or unfortunate souls who missed out on tickets have I needed to reference my old foe. Accommodation and travel on the other hand have been an ongoing process from the moment the draw was made. Ongoing to this day. It began on the West Coast, the lovely surroundings of my girlfriends house in Connemara. A laptop was on hand the moment the draw and within two hours, nearly half of my itineary was completed that evening. The other half has been pieced together bit by bit and is being finalised along with my articles. It's not come without setbacks. Be it accidentally double booking trains and trying to offload hotels with no free cancellation, it’s safe to say I've had my stressful moments in the last six months

Long and short of it, I'm almost ready, just a final few things to book/check in, before I pack. Sweet jesus what the hell do I bring?

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